If you are from a country other than the United States, welcome!
Spiritual Revival for the Church is a worldwide need. Your prayers are critical for a Spiritual Awakening in your country.
Even though the status & needs of the Church and Christians may be different in every country, we can engage together in the Spiritual Battle for the Spirit of God to revive His Church!
The apostle Paul said in Ephesians 6:18, after talking about the spiritual battle and the flaming arrows of the evil one, “be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for ALL the saints.”
Here are a few points that will be helpful as you join with us to pray for Revival in your country.
1) We believe every Christian ought to be praying for Spiritual Revival in their country!
2) The focus of our prayers should be on the spiritual needs of Christians. We encourage you to use our BLU outline although you might want to change some of the sub-points.
3) The reason for #2 is that it helps us to fulfill the command of Jesus in John 13:34-35 “to love one another.”
4) Though we don’t discourage extended times of prayer, we believe just breathing a prayer for Revival on a regular basis is better than spending one hour, once-a-year praying. It’s a matter of the heart not the time spent!
5) Our BLU prayers are proactive and focus on what we believe Jesus wants His Church to be and not praying for the defeats or losses of yesterday.
6) Please remember the Persecuted Church as well. We encourage you to join us at www.OneMillionPraying.org